Highlighting Research: Joana Vilaca Silva's Research on Ukrainian Refugees in Portugal

Figure 1
At Ukrainian war protest in Portugal.

Taking a global perspective, the world is witnessing the highest influx of victims of forced displacement ever recorded in human history, where more than one person is forced to move every second as a result of conflict or persecution. Integrating these individuals into receiving societies is an essential task for host countries so that these displaced peoples and their families can restore their lives. It is often argued that participation in the labour market is critical in integrating into society. Therefore, it is essential to understand which factors influence entry and participation into the labour market.

My research project aims to expand existing knowledge on refugees’ integration by relying on the integration of Ukrainian women refugees into the Portuguese labour market as a case study. Since February 24, 2022, over five million Ukrainians have fled the country. For many refugees, Portugal became one of the most viable destinations due to the Ukrainian community already established in the country. According to the Foreigners and orders Service (SEF), until mid-January of 2023, Portugal granted more than fifty-seven thousand requests for temporary protection to people who fled the Ukrainian war, of which 14.014 were minors and 58% of these requests were assigned to women. ”

Published on 26 March 2023 in Stories

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