Vânia Pereira Machado
Practices | Belongings

Vânia Pereira Machado is a PhD candidate (Migrations, Anthropology) at ICS (ULisboa). She holds a master’s degree from ISCTE-UIL in Anthropology with a specialization in Globalization, Migration and Multiculturalism. Her research focuses on food practices and consumption, material culture and migration in different contexts. Recently, she has also explored post-2008 migration flows to and from Portugal, Angola, Germany, and Australia.

PhD Candidate: Migrations, Anthropology

Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), University of Lisbon (UL)

E: vania.machado@campus.ul.pt


Titled Food practices of Portuguese migrants in Sydney, her doctoral thesis utilizes anthropological and ethnographic frameworks to explore the impact of migration on the food practices of a group of Portuguese migrants residing in Sydney (Australia). It also discusses the potential to investigate new dimensions in the daily lives of migrants, namely processes of assessment and positioning regarding mobility. The research intends to assess the main changes and continuities in food practices provoked by migration.

Keywords: food consumption, ethnography, Portuguese emigration, belongings, Australia