Thiago Sette Câmara
Practices | Belongings

Thiago Sette Câmara is a PhD Candidate (Migration, Sociology) at ICS-ULisboa, receiving a doctoral fellowship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Thiago holds a bachelor's Degree in International Relations and a master's Degree in International Relations and European Studies. Professionally, his experience is in project management and advocacy in international mobility, human rights and youth and has collaborated with NGOs across Europe. His research interests include intra-European mobility, higher education, non-formal education, international student mobility (ISM), educational cooperation and youth-related issues.

PhD Candidate: Migrations, Sociology

Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), University of Lisbon (UL)



Provisionally titled The Erasmus Programme and European Identity, the thesis aims at better understanding the relationship between participation in academic mobility programmes under the Erasmus Programme and the development of a "European identity", exploring both European and non-European geographical contexts. Based on three main conceptual axes: "youth mobility experiences", "European identity" and "social interactions", his research seeks to contribute to the growing literature on international student migration (ISM) and the impacts of the Erasmus Programme.

Keywords: international student mobility, academic mobility, intra-European mobility, Erasmus programme, European migration