Simone Frangella

Simone Frangella is a Research Fellow at the ICS-Ulisboa. She completed her master’s and PhD in Brazil, at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Masters and PhD (2004) focused on street children and adult homelessness. Later, in the UK, (King’s College, and Goldsmiths College) she investigated cultural production and Brazilian Identity in London and Brazilian migration in London. She has got extensive work on gender and family relations, territorial belonging, and the effects of migrant experiences in the city.

Research Fellow

Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), University of Lisbon (UL)

Main field sites: Brazil and Africa



Simone’s research interests are urban space, corporeality, mobilities, migration, and connections between historicity and territoriality. She has published on homelessness and corporeality, family and mutual help in transnational movements, cultural production, urban territorialities through housing, and uses of the city in migration contexts. Her current investigation Ethnography of margins in the South Margin: paths of vulnerability in an urban territory explores the territorial margins and configurations of neighbourhoods of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, and their articulation with migrant historicity, focusing on labour relations, intergenerational experiences and conviviality.

Keywords: city, territoriality, body, transnational migration, vulnerability