Pedro Candeias
Inequalities | (Im)mobilities

Pedro Candeias holds a PhD in Migration (Sociology) from ICS-ULisboa, and a master's and bachelor’s degree in Sociology from ISCTE-IUL. He is a research fellow at Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento at FM-ULisboa and an associated assistant professor at the Sociology Department of ISCTE-IUL.

Research Fellow: Sociology

Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) / Lisbon School of Medicine (FM), University of Lisbon (UL)



Pedro’s PhD dissertation focused on the integration and transnational practices of Portuguese in Germany. More recently, his research has been focusing on two different topics: the return migration of Portuguese emigrants; and the connection between health (sexual and reproductive health, mental health) and immigration (especially from Brazil and Cape Verde).

Keywords: immigrant integration, immigrant transnationalism, return migration, migrations and health