Irene Peano
Inequalities | (Im)mobilities

Irene Peano has been researching migration in relation to sex and farm work, and their intersections, across Italy, Nigeria and Eastern Europe (mostly Romania and Bulgaria). She has also investigated the organisation of agri-food production in contemporary Italy, and the genealogy of forms of containment and mobility control throughout Italian capitalist farming in the contemporary period. Her work is strongly based in the participatory, engaged support of workers' struggles and demands.

Research Fellow

Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), University of Lisbon (UL)


Selected publications

2023 (forthcoming)

“New Slavery”, modern marronage and the multiple afterlives of plantations in contemporary Italy. In Global Plantations in the Modern World: Sovereignties, Ecologies, Afterlives (I. Peano, C. Le Petitcorps and M. Macedo eds., London: Palgrave)


Within and against racial segregation - notes from Italy’s encampment archipelago. Lateral 10(2), Forum: The Corona A(e)ffects: Radical Affectivities of Dissent and Hope, M. Fumanti e E. Zambelli eds.

Turbulences in the encampment archipelago: Conflicting mobilities between migration, labour and logistics in Italian agri-food enclaves. Mobilities 16:2, 212-223.

Keywords: race, gender, migrations, sex work, agricultural work