Francesco Vacchiano
Practices | Belongings

Francesco Vacchiano is Associate Professor at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice and an Adjunct Researcher at ICS-ULisboa. Trained in clinical psychology (PsyD) and anthropology (PhD), he pursues research and applied interests in the fields of migration, medical and psychological anthropology, European borders and boundaries, bureaucracies and politics of citizenship, societies and institutions in North Africa and traditional medicine in Mozambique.

Associate Professor (Venice) / Adjunct Researcher (ICS)

University Ca’ Foscari of Venice / Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), University of Lisbon (UL)



Francesco has joined his research and clinical practice in the applied fields of mental health and migration (ethnopsychology) and has done research in Morocco, Tunisia and Southern Europe on some of the main profiles of contemporary human mobility (‘unaccompanied minors’, refugees and ‘victims of trafficking’) and on the policies and practices of their inclusion/exclusion.

Keywords: migration imaginaries, subjectivity, borders, institutions, classification